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Monday, August 24, 2015

Salem's Vengeance by Aaron Galvin

Salem’s Vengeance by Aaron Galvin is a historical fiction novel that takes place 19 years after the Salem Witch Trials of The Crucible.  It took me about two chapters before I became invested in the story but once I was in I was trapped.  The tone is dark and menacing you can feel the peril that plagues our main character Sarah Kelly.  As the story unfolds we are as much in the dark as young Sarah.  But after an adventure of dancing in the moonlight with her friends demons seem to take hold.  But are they really demons?  Strong family ties and a small love triangle make the story complete.   An interesting take on the Salem Witch trials. I highly recommend this to fans of the time period and who like to be scared. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

One word review....WOW.

Word number two.... uggggg CLIFFHANGERish. Which isn't a really a word.
I remember vaguely when this book first came out in the beginning of 2012.  I found the cover intriguing.  I am a sucker for a fairly tale retelling but for some reason every time I picked this book up, I put it back down.  I like dystopian fiction and cyborgs and science fiction I just didn't think I would like them all together.  Boy was I wrong.  Cinder is an engaging and magical story about a cyborg mechanic.  While the story is familiar, Marissa Meyer puts enough twist into it to make it her own.  I highly recommend this story to readers who like fairy tales with a twist.  It is the first book in the Lunar Chronicles Series and I will be reading book two very soon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Boy Meets Girl Massacre by Ainslie Hogarth

The Boy Meets Girl Massacre by Ainslie Hogarth is not for the faint of heart.  It is not often I have to put a book down because it scares me or grosses me out, but I had to put this one down a couple of times.  This gruesome horror story tells the tale of Noelle and her friend Alf's summer job at the most haunted hotel.  It is a dark and foreboding.  The reader can feel the tension building in out main character.  Are there really ghosts or is she just cracking up?  It is character driven story told by Noelle or more importantly her diary.  I recommend this book to people who like a good scare, but if you are squeamish maybe you should steer clear.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Pokergeist by Michael Phillip Cash

What happens in Vegas just may be supernatural.  Pokergeist is a fast paced humorous tale about you guessed it poker!  Clutch Henderson was one game away from the coveted Poker World Series championship and the gaudy gold bracelet when the unexpected happened.  But not even death will stop him from his dream.  In comes Telly Martin a down on his luck, not very skilled player.  A single wish on a coin joins the two and the adventure beings.  Among the laughs you find yourself sitting on the edge of your seat routing for the ending you are hoping for.  Recommend to get your heart racing.